Teckwrap specializes in pressure sensitive adhesive wrapfilms and have pioneered their own process to produce high performance vinyl films and wraps for the automotive industry.With a wide range of high grade vinyl colors and textures, the dream wrap is no longer a distant dream.
Chrome wraps are by far the most difficult to do and most expensive wraps you can get done. Not only is the labor more strenuous but the materials are about 5x the price of regular wrapfilms. The material itself has about a 10-15% stretch where as per normal, materials may be up to 30%. A seam needs to be hiddenor cut at the right angle. This is something very few actually acknowledge when attempting a full chrome wrap.
Matte Chrome
Like regular chrome wraps,matte chrome also carries the samelevel of difficulty in application. Our team of expert certifiedapplicators will not disappoint.
Glossy vinyl delivers a beautiful reflective finish that comes very close to resembling a natural paint finish. Take a look atourTeckwrap glossy series and take your pick today!
The Teckwrap Satin series is bound to give you the smoothest texture and the most luxurious look. Test out a look with one of the many swatches we have.

The Process
A paint wrap differs from a graphic wrap in that it represents apaint job to the closest extent possible. Most wraps don’t involve disassembly but when doing a paint wrap not only is there a 5 step cleaning process but there is a full disassembly of the vehicle.
This ensures that you will have every edge and corner wrapped to perfection. Jambs are normally not included as ourlines are so fine it is hardly noticeable.
Our team performs exceptionally, over the normal industry average. Our customers approach us and we deliver results that they are more than happy with when they leave.